Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It's been a while since the latest blog. Had a little trouble with my AC adapter for my PC so had to wait for friends from Holly Lake to bring another one. Had to use the library computers for email and time was limited on them. Not only do I have a new power adapter, but I also have a new phone that allows me to connect my PC to the internet. Really slick.

Activities have been a little curtailed recently. I was crossing a stream last week and a rock slipped out from under me and I hit the dirt. The only injury was to my big toe. It looks like a big purple onion and still hurts, even to wear shoes.

Have had some friends visiting lately. Mike and Miki King, old friends from Lake Highlands Church in Dallas, were up for a few days. We had a nice dinner together. Last week three buds from Holly Lake were here. We got in a little fishing, rafting, sight seeing and gab. Jim, Gerry and Mike's picture is below.

Mike, Jim and Gerry in front of my humble abode

The float trip

Where the buffalo roam

More friends, Couch's and Shewmaker's, are coming later on this month.

That's about it for now.


  1. Eddie:
    It is great to read all the posts from the wilds. Summer here is really warming up and we would like some of that jacket wearing weather.

    We listed Dad's house in Waco and go a contract in three days so we are finishing up some of the stuff there. Diana found a picture of Janet, Kay, & Chuck that Kay gave him and it is really sweet and something we will really cherish.

    Hope your toe heals quickly and you are back on the trail soon.

  2. Sorry for the anonymous message. The blogger account didn't find my e-mail address.

    Randy & Diana
