Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Update 6/8/2010

It's been pretty uneventful around here lately. The place is getting more crowded every day. Finally am getting my mail - General Delivery, Jackson, WY 83002.

The Forest Service had a cook-out Saturday for all seasonal employees. Got to meet some new folks. It's interesting some of the jobs the forest service has up here. There are guys and gals that go out for 8 days working on trails, fire fighters, river crews and folks that go out on horseback for days just patrolling the park. If you like camping out, there's a job here for you.

I took a trip down south of Jackson this past weekend to Pinedale. There is a good Mountain Man museum there. I can only remember a couple of books I read in junior high: one was about this kid that bought an old MG and fixed it up and the other was "Jim Bridger, the Mountain Man." It really made an impression on me even back then because of what those guys faced when they came out into this country. That book is still in print and available in bookstores around here. I think I will reread it when I finish the ones I'm already working on.

The weather has been nasty around here this past week. Rainy and cool. Too muddy to do any hiking. The sun is finally out today and it is about 63. Wasn't my day to work, but had to go to CPR and first aid training -- what a bummer. Will be leaving tomorrow after work (if you want to call it that) to go to California for Rex's retirement on Friday and Kayla's graduation from high school on Saturday.

Am attaching a few more pictures - not as interesting as the previous ones. In an earlier blog I think I mentioned a tree in a campground just out of town that has an owl's nest with a couple of owlets in it. . Click here to see a neat picture by Tom Magelson of last year's hatch.

A little white water rafting on the Snake river. Wet suits and booties recommended.

This is the entrance to the National Museum of Wildlife Art.

A lone bison. There are plenty more around where he came from. They have the right-of-way on the roads.

I'm going to sign off for now. Will be updating blog when I get back from California.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures again! I love the one of the owletts but they look kinda like two little tiny OLD men sitting in that tree.
    If you get this before going to Kayla's graduation, give her a hug for us and tell her congratulations! Even if you're not here, if they want to come visit Holly Lake this summer, we'll be more than glad to have them. They are really precious girls and I'll bet I could keep them busy. Tell them Hi for us.

    Have safe trip and keep the updates coming, I love hearing of the 'adventures'
    Gail & Tom
