Saturday, May 29, 2010

What's happening now!

I've been running around trying to figure out where I should tell people to go, eat,sleep, etc. Man, it's pretty up here. The weather is still a little on the chilly and wet side, but it's not bad enough to keep you from doing things. I've included some pictures from my adventures, but they really can't capture the beauty of this place, at least not with my Kodak QuickPic.

This one is of the Snake River. There are scenic float trips above Jackson going through Grand Teton Park and more white water trips down below Jackson. Haven't done either yet. I had included a picture of the Snake earlier, but thought this one was better.

This is a picture of the most photographed barn in the world. It's what is left of an old Mormon farm out east of Jackson. I don't know if you can pick them out or not, but there are some bison off behind the barn.

I loved this place. I just got off on a dirt road in the Bridger/Teton National Forest and ran across this lake. I was the only one there and it was so quiet and peaceful. All I could hear were a few birds chirping and a loon out across the lake.

It's Wild West Days in Jackson this weekend. Had a big parade this morning, music all day on the square and a beer fest on the square. I should have gone in the tent to see if they had any non-alcoholic beer. I might do that later this afternoon. I'm going back to the square later for the big shoot-out.

There is also a mountain man rendezvous at the fair grounds and some of them got in the parade too.

Well, the library is closing in 15 minutes, so I'll wrap it up. I need to go to the store and buy some bear spray so I can go hiking next week.

Y'all come see me.


  1. It appears you are having a marvelous time. I am so envious. Looks like the kind of place you could fall in love with. We all miss you already, have a good time and enjoy your summer. I know this how you like to live.

    Larry Marsh

  2. Eddie, the pictures are great and thanks for sharing. Sounds like you are getting out and enjoying all there is to do. That's the only way to live!! Love reading your updates and being able to "keep up with you". Have fun!!
    Barbara Davis

  3. Keep those pictures coming! I loved the photo of the old barn and yes, I could see the bison but wouldn't have been known what they were without your great 'narrations'
    So glad you're getting to see and do so much and sounds like you're having the best time ever. We're both enjoying these great updates, just keep 'em coming.
