Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First post from Jackson Hole

Arrived 5/23 about 4:15 after 1550 miles. Monday went to Bridger/Teton National Forest office to get checked in and then went over to Visitor's Center to meet folks over there. The Visitor's Center is staffed with people representing about 7 different agencies: Teton /Yellowstone national parks, Wyoming Parks and Wildlife, Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce, National Elk Refuge, Grand Teton Association and the Bridger/Teton National Forest. I am officially a volunteer with the National Forest Service.

Monday, 5/24 I ran around town picking up some necessities, getting mail transferred and trying to set up my satellite TV. It was cold and wet, a little snow, sleet and rain. Can't get the satellite to work yet so I have one station I can pick up on an antenna, PBS. Not going to be watching much TV unless I point over a mountain. I've found it's not too bad after a few days without. I would like to hear about the weather.

Tuesday, 5/25 -- what a great day. I got up this morning and it was beautiful out. I got up and walked around town for a couple of hours, stopping to have a coffee and read the local newspaper. I then drove up through Teton Village and then around the southern part of the national park. Kay and I were up here in August of 99 and I don't remember it being as beautiful as it is. Maybe it's that there is more snow on the mountains now. The drive was really neat. Saw deer, elk, bison, moose and nesting owls. The temperature was about 50-55, just perfect for getting out and taking some side walks.

This is really a great time to be here if the weather stays like this. The crowds haven't arrived yet. The town will not be fully open until this weekend.

Just a little local information: Early trappers referred to a valley between two mountain ranges as a "hole", thus Jackson Hole. Jackson Hole is the valley about 40 miles north to south and about 8 miles wide. There are several little towns/settlements in Jackson Hole, Jackson being the largest with a population of about 8,000. Other towns/settlements/communities, etc are Hoback Junction, Wilson, Teton Village, Moose and several others. You can be in any of them and still be in Jackson Hole.

I start to work tomorrow and really looking forward to it. I will have at least one day of training and hopefully more as I will work Wednesday and the am off until Sunday. We'll see how it goes.


  1. We are the first to sign up for your blog! Do we get a prize or anything? So glad to read all about your new adventure. Believe it or not, when I told Dean to turn down the ballgame on the TV to hear what you had written, he was all ears! You gotta get that dish to work! Or perhaps, you'll do what we did before TV....read or visit with your neighbors or locals. Keep the blog coming. We love it, and you too....LaCrecia

  2. What an adventure! I am excited for you. I was telling Audrey yesterday about some of our 'adventures' out at Oran's. I hope you have a wonderful time and can't wait to hear about it!
